Every Child Can Read

Does This Sound Familiar?
The mother of two of our students told me this story.  See if it sounds like someone you know. “I read to my sons since they were born.  I spent over $14,000 on tutors and and learning centers. Nothing worked until I sent them to you. Now they enjoy reading books.”
Needless to say, I’m delighted they finally learned to read well, and are now enjoying it. After all, if your child can’t read fluently from books written for their grade level, give me a call today at 919-967-7516 I’ll teach them the skills they need-- and the cost won’t keep you awake. Unlike others, I don’t tutor --I teach.
Why struggle?
After 14 years as a reading instruction specialist, I know that many persons who can’t read well suffer in life. They have trouble in school, at work, and at home. That’s why I recommend our method. It isn’t a trendy theory-- it’s a proven, effective, fun way to learn to read. If you know someone with a reading problem. Call now. Your first lesson is free. It will make all the difference in the world.
How is learning to read like playing a game?
Just like soccer, baseball or basketball, you have to know the rules. And you have to have the skills. But almost no one knows the rules for reading. Over half of American students never learned them. It’s now wonder so many people can’t read. But anyone can learn them. My students spend some time learning the basic sounds and rules, then put them together, and begin reading. They say it’s easy. And it doesn’t take long to learn the basic 44 sounds. Learning the rules of the game and putting the skills into practice makes all the difference in the world. Why not call 919-967-7516, and put the readers in your family on the winning team, starting now!
Can students with learning disabilities learn to read well?
Recent studies show that nearly every learning disabled student can learn to read if taught by a logical, step-by-step method. With this method, all students begin reading simple words immediately, regardless of the disability. They progress rapidly and before long, they can read every word in the English language. If someone you know has a learning disability, call 919-967-7516 today and get started. Their first session is free.
What Kevin said about us.
Kevin is thirteen.  He always had trouble with reading. Kevin was home-schooled, and he was embarrassed that his sisters read better than he did. He wanted to start school in eighth grade and attend high school. Here’s what he had to say:
“When I first came to your clinic, thought it would be the same as all the others I had tried. But it helped me more than any of them did. I can understand what I read, and it helped me with spelling, too. Thank you!! Forever!! -- Sincerely, Kevin”
After only forty-six hours with me, Kevin was reading above grade level for the first time in his life. His life is changed forever. Call 19-967-7516 today if someone in your family needs help with reading. Your first session is free.


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